Congratulations, you found my super secret face reveal page!
I guess that's not a totally accurate description. I go to an animation school where animation students are always making observational sketches of their surroundings and peers. (Observational skills are very important for animators after all!) This means I've accumulated a small collection of life drawings with myself as the subject. I made this page to showcase the cute and funny drawings my friends and classmates have made of me. It's a fun way to give you an approximation of what I look like without giving too much away!
unrelated tangent
I really value the life drawings my friends have made of me. Especially when youre trying to capture someones likeness as accurately as possible, what ends up happening is you produce an image that portrays your subject as you see them. You draw what stands out to you and leave out what you don't notice. While a photograph creates an almost objective image of a subject as it is, a life drawing portrays the subject as it looks filtered through the perception of the artist. Yes i know this is art 101 but I'm really touched by the way my friends pick up on subtle details like the bags under my eyes or the smudges of my makeup

Doodles my friend
coolcat made of me while we were working next to each other. Im especially fond of the first one. That must be the expression I make when I'm focused lol
This isnt an observational drawing but its too funny not to include. my friend Rita provided this visual aid for a dream they had in which I was a homestuck character.
My friend Asher and I had the idea of making wanted posters of ourselves to decorate our shared cubicle space with. He drew the police sketch of me and compiled this poster. I love how i'm described as having a "sickly complexion".
A lovely portrait my friend Kiran sketched of me during our figure drawing class! I love how fluffy my hair was drawn.
My friend Ivy drew me as a vase. She's such a skilled painter that I almost wish I wasnt depicted as a vase. almost.
My friend Yang drew me as I was doodling on my tablet in class. This was back when my hair was shorter and fluffier. She made me look so cool!