꒰ Monday 04.13.24꒱

Hello diary and diary readers! As I'm typing this, im on my school campus at 10 PM waiting for my giant zip file to finish uploading to my google drive. Even though classes have officially concluded since last week, today is my "finish my priorities day" because the rest of my week will be "free time and fun week"!

Even though for the past 2 years I've always gone home for summer break a week after classes end, this year I'm staying an extra week to take care of some things. I'm still going to have a lot of free time though, so I intend to treat this week like a vacation! I'm gonna travel around on my own, spend time catching up with hobbies under my kotatsu, and just have a lot of fun! My room mate has gone home for the summer so I have the whole apartment to myself, too!
Here is my itinerary for the week:

Monday - take care of priorities: clean, return books to library, finish up homework, backup files from school computer (what I'm doing right now lol)
Tuesday - take a bus and explore a fancy hip downtown-y area in the city near mine
Wednesday - go to bike shop to fix some small things with my bike, go to post office and deliver letter to my beloved friend Gretchen, read at the library, bike around town all day (i want to go to that area with the nice bike paths by the river..)
Thursday - take the train and go to the Japanese neighborhood in the city near mine, buy gifts for hometown folks, go home early to start packing
Friday- Go to the county fair with my friends, go home and finish packing
Saturday - Go home!

As you can see, I'm in for a busy week but I'll try my best to update my diary because I'm sure I'll make some happy memories!
The day trip with my friend I talked about in my last entry went amazing, I had a lot of fun. I'll upload photos from it to my photo diary shortly. My friend told me she's always traveling alone into the cities surrounding the one we live in to explore. I've spent all semester cooped up at campus doing work and procrastinating about doing work, so I really admired how she made the time to do the stuff life is really all about..... So I'm gonna dedicate this week to doing the kind of stuff that makes you happy to be alive!